carbmee academy:
Discover. Develop. Decarbonize

Designed to empower leaders and enterprises for a sustainable business transformation.

For sustainability decision-makers, corporate leaders, and impact investors who seek to enhance their understanding and implementation of carbon management and sustainability practices, carbmee academy is an educational platform that uniquely solves this by providing comprehensive, expert-led courses and workshops designed to equip participants with actionable insights and strategies for driving environmental and economic success.

  • 4 hours bespoke workshops
  • 499 € per module
  • Discounts for early registration
* Subject to minimum number of participants

Our Featured Courses

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Featured Courses

CBAM Compliance



Through discussions on cost forecasting, compliance, and future outlook, participants will be equipped to manage the challenges and opportunities presented by CBAM effectively.

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Supplier engagement



The course addresses common challenges, shares best practices, and offers real-world case studies for actionable insights from industry leaders.

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The carbmee academy full curriculum

Meet our Faculty

Alexandra Morton

Founder & MD

Prof. Dr. Christian Heinrich

Founder & MD

Benjamin Fieger

Supplier Strategy Specialist

Florian Renneberg

CBAM & Sustainability Expert

Tim Lohse

Environmental Engineer & LCA Expert

Featured Courses

CBAM Compliance:

Navigating Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Regulations for Global Competitiveness

Session 1: Understanding Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)

  • Carbon taxes and frameworks: Discuss the differences between carbon taxes, cap-and-trade systems, and other regulatory frameworks.
  • EU-ETS: insights into the functioning of the EU-ETS, its objectives, and its impact on industries within the European Union. Understand the link between the EU-ETS and the development of the CBAM
  • CBAM in a Nutshell: Provide an overview of the key features and principles underlying the CBAM.

Session 2: Navigating CBAM: Goods, Industries, and Implementation

  • Elevant Goods & Industries: Identify goods and industries affected by CBAM, focusing on high carbon footprint sectors like steel, cement, aluminum, fertilizers, and electricity.
  • Timeline for CBAM Implementation: Review the phased implementation timeline, key milestones, deadlines, and how companies can adapt during the transition.
  • CBAM Report Structure: Learn the structure and data requirements for CBAM reports, including emissions data, import quantities, and carbon costs, with best practices for data collection and presentation.

Session 3: Managing Costs and Compliance under CBAM

  • Assessing Financial Implications and Mitigation Strategies: Evaluate the financial impacts of CBAM on importing companies, including effects on pricing, competitiveness, and supply chain dynamics. Learn to forecast costs and integrate them into financial planning, and explore methods to mitigate these impacts through operational adjustments and efficiency improvements.
  • Leveraging Carbmee for CBAM Compliance: Discover how Carbmee’s software and services support CBAM compliance, including tools for carbon footprint calculation, data management, and reporting. Understand how Carbmee streamlines data collection, verification, and submission, with real-world examples of successful implementations.
  • Future Outlook and Adaptation: Discuss the evolving landscape of carbon regulation and the potential changes in CBAM. Explore the impact of ongoing policy changes and international negotiations, and understand the long-term implications for global trade. Learn the importance of staying informed and proactive in adapting to new carbon regulations

Session 4: Best Practices and Case Studies

  • Success stories in CBAM: Case studies showcasing companies that have successfully achieved CBAM compliance.
  • Lessons learned and challenges: Identifying common barriers and pitfalls in achieving CBAM compliance

Learning Outcomes:

  • Master carbon regulatory frameworks by understanding the distinctions between carbon taxes, cap-and-trade systems, and the EU-ETS, and their link to CBAM.
  • Navigate CBAM scope and implementation by identifying relevant goods and industries, understanding the timeline, and learning to structure compliance reports.
  • Strategically manage financial implications by assessing the impacts of CBAM on pricing and competitiveness, and developing robust cost forecasting and compliance strategies.
  • Leverage best practices and overcome challenges through detailed case studies, identifying common barriers, and applying proven solutions for seamless CBAM integration.

Supplier Engagement Strategies:

Building Collaborative Partnerships for a Low-Carbon Supply Chain

Session 1: Introduction to Scope 3 Emissions and Supplier Engagement

  • Understanding Scope 3 emissions: Definition and significance in carbon footprinting.
  • Overview of the GHG Protocol: Scope 3 categories, with a focus on 3.4 and 3.1
  • Importance of supplier engagement: Impact on overall carbon reduction goals and corporate sustainability (data enrichment journey)

Session 2: Establishing a Supplier Engagement Framework

  • Identifying key suppliers: Criteria for selection based on emissions intensity and supply chain influence and supplier relationship.
  • Setting engagement goals and expectations: Defining objectives and KPIs for collaboration with suppliers.
  • Developing communication channels: Strategies for effective communication and relationship building with suppliers.

Session 3: Data Collection and Supplier Education

  • Data collection: Overview of methods for capturing Scope 3 emissions data from suppliers.
  • Educating suppliers: Establishing expectations, templates, processes and technology for consistent data collection across suppliers.
  • Quality assurance and validation: Best practices for verifying the accuracy and reliability of supplier-provided data.

Session 4: Overcoming Challenges in Supplier Engagement

  • Addressing barriers to collaboration: Common challenges faced in engaging suppliers and strategies for overcoming them.
  • Managing data gaps and uncertainties: Approaches for dealing with incomplete or inconsistent data from suppliers.
  • Building resilience in the supply chain: Integrating carbon reduction goals into supplier contracts and risk management strategies.

Session 5: Best Practices and Case Studies

  • Success stories in supplier engagement: Case studies highlighting effective strategies and outcomes in primary data collection for Scope 3 emissions reduction.
  • Lessons learned and continuous improvement: Reflecting on past experiences to refine future engagement efforts.

Session 6: Interactive Workshops and Q&A

  • Workshop activities: Group exercises and discussions to apply concepts learned in real-world scenarios.
  • Q&A session: Addressing specific challenges and queries from participants related to supplier engagement and data collection.

Session 7: Action Planning and Next Steps

  • Developing an action plan: Setting specific goals and timelines for implementing supplier engagement strategies within participants' organisations.
  • Identifying resources and support: Accessing tools, networks, and external assistance for ongoing engagement efforts (i.e outsourcing Supplier Engagement to carbmee)
  • Monitoring and evaluation: Establishing mechanisms for tracking progress and measuring the impact of supplier collaboration on carbon emissions reduction goal

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand Scope 3 emissions by learning their definition, significance, and the role of supplier engagement in achieving carbon reduction goals.
  • Establish a robust supplier engagement framework by identifying key suppliers, setting goals, and developing effective communication channels.
  • Master data collection and supplier education through methods for capturing Scope 3 emissions data, educating suppliers, and ensuring data accuracy.
  • Overcome engagement challenges by addressing barriers, managing data gaps, and integrating carbon reduction into supplier contracts with best practices and case studies

Upcoming Courses

Basics of Corporate Sustainability:

Foundations for Integrating Sustainability into Business Practices

Basics of Corporate Sustainability for companies with complex supply chains

Session 1: Introduction to Corporate Sustainability

  • Definition and significance of corporate sustainability.
  • The triple bottom line: People, Planet, Profit.
  • Global trends and regulatory drivers for companies with complex supply chains.

Session 2: Sustainability Frameworks and Standards

  • Overview of major sustainability frameworks (e.g., CSRD, GRI, CBAM, SASB).
  • Understanding ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) criteria.
    The role of sustainability in corporate strategy.

Session 3: Sustainability Reporting and Communication

  • Best practices in sustainability reporting.
  • Communicating sustainability initiatives to stakeholders.
  • Case studies of effective sustainability reporting.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Gain a foundational understanding of corporate sustainability principles.
  • Learn to navigate key sustainability frameworks and standards.
  • Develop skills to report and communicate sustainability efforts effectively.

CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive):

Understanding and Implementing New Reporting Standards

Session 1: Introduction to CSRD

  • Background and objectives of the CSRD.
  • Key differences between CSRD and previous directives.

Session 2: Sustainability Frameworks and Standards

  • Detailed examination of reporting requirements.
  • Timeline for implementation and phased reporting.

Session 3: Implementation Strategies

  • Steps to prepare for CSRD compliance.
  • Best practices for data collection and reporting.
  • Case studies on CSRD compliance.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Gain a foundational understanding of corporate sustainability principles.
  • Learn to navigate key sustainability frameworks and standards.
  • Develop skills to report and communicate sustainability efforts effectively.

Net Zero Strategy:

Developing and Implementing Effective Net Zero Goals

Session 1: Introduction to Net Zero

  • Definition and importance of net zero.
  • Global commitments and frameworks supporting net zero.

Session 2: Developing a Net Zero Strategy

  • Setting science-based targets.
  • Identifying key areas for emissions reduction.

Session 3: Implementing and Monitoring Net Zero Initiatives

  • Action plans for achieving net zero.
  • Monitoring and reporting progress.
  • Case studies of successful net-zero strategies.

Session 4: Best Practices and Case Studies

  • Success stories in CBAM: Case studies showcasing companies that have successfully achieved CBAM compliance
  • Lessons learned and challenges: Identifying common barriers and pitfalls in achieving CBAM compliance

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the concept of net zero and its importance.
  • Learn to develop a comprehensive net zero strategy.
  • Gain insights into implementing and monitoring net zero initiatives.

Data Strategy:

Leveraging Data for Sustainable Business Decisions

Session 1: Importance of Data in Sustainability

  • Role of data in driving sustainability initiatives.
  • Key data types and sources in corporate sustainability.

Session 2: Developing a Data Strategy

  • Steps to create an effective data strategy.
  • Data governance and management best practices.

Session 3: Leveraging Data for Sustainability

  • Using data analytics to inform sustainability decisions.
  • Case studies of data-driven sustainability initiatives.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the critical role of data in sustainability.
  • Learn to develop and implement a robust data strategy.
  • Gain skills in leveraging data for sustainability decision-making.

People and Incentives:

Engaging Employees and Aligning Incentives for Sustainability

Session 1: Engaging Stakeholders in Sustainability

  • Importance of stakeholder engagement.
  • Strategies for fostering a sustainability culture.

Session 2: Incentivizing Sustainable Behavior

  • Designing effective incentives for corporate sustainability.
  • Examples of successful incentive programs.

Session 3: Leadership and Change Management

  • Role of leadership in driving sustainability.
  • Change management strategies for sustainability initiatives.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the importance of engaging stakeholders in sustainability.
  • Learn to design and implement effective incentive programs.
  • Gain insights into leadership and change management for sustainability.

Processes and Workflows:

Streamlining Sustainable Practices in Daily Operations

Session 1: Sustainability Integration in Business Processes

  • Identifying key processes for sustainability integration.
  • Strategies for embedding sustainability into workflows.

Session 2: Streamlining Workflows for Sustainability

  • Process improvement methodologies for sustainability.
  • Tools and techniques for workflow optimization.

Session 3: Monitoring and Continuous Improvement

  • Establishing metrics and KPIs for sustainability processes.
  • Continuous improvement strategies for sustainable workflows.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Learn to integrate sustainability into business processes.
  • Gain skills in optimizing workflows for sustainability.
  • Understand how to monitor and continuously improve sustainable processes.

Databases and Calculation Methodologies:

Utilizing Accurate Data and Methods for Sustainability Reporting

Session 1: Building a Sustainability Database

  • Key elements of a sustainability database.
  • Data management best practices.

Session 2: Emissions Calculation Methodologies

  • Overview of different calculation methodologies.
  • Choosing the right methodology for your organization.

Session 3: Applying Calculation Methodologies

  • Case studies of successful application of methodologies.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Learn to build and manage a sustainability database.
  • Understand various emissions calculation methodologies.
  • Gain practical skills in applying calculation methodologies.

Decarbonization Levers (Scope 1/2/3):

Identifying and Implementing Emission Reduction Strategies

Session 1: Introduction to Decarbonization

  • Understanding Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.
  • Importance of decarbonization across all scopes.

Session 2: Identifying Decarbonization Levers

  • Key levers for reducing emissions in Scope 1, 2, and 3.
  • Case studies of effective decarbonization strategies.

Session 3: Implementing Decarbonization Strategies

  • Action plans for deploying decarbonization levers.
  • Monitoring and reporting progress in decarbonization.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of decarbonization across Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.
  • Learn to identify and deploy key decarbonization levers.
    Develop skills in implementing and monitoring decarbonization strategies.


Building Sustainable Products for a Greener Tomorrow

Session 1: Introduction to EcoDesign and Carbon Reduction

  • Understanding EcoDesign principles: Definition, objectives, and benefits of integrating environmental considerations into product design.
  • Importance of carbon reduction: Exploring the environmental impact of product life cycle stages and the role of design in minimising carbon emissions.
  • Regulatory landscape: Overview of relevant regulations and standards governing carbon emissions in product design.

Session 2: Assessing Environmental Impact

  • Life cycle assessment (LCA): Introduction to LCA methodology for evaluating the environmental footprint of products.
  • Identifying hotspots: Recognizing key stages in the product life cycle where carbon emissions are most significant.
  • Carbon footprint calculation: technology (i.e. carbmee) and methodologies for scalable carbon emissions calculation with product materials, manufacturing processes, transportation, and end-of-life disposal.

Session 3: Design Strategies for Carbon Reduction

  • Material selection: Choosing low-carbon or renewable materials to minimise embodied carbon in products.
  • Energy efficiency: Incorporating energy-saving features and optimising product design to reduce energy consumption during use.
  • Lightweighting and resource efficiency: Strategies for reducing material usage and improving resource efficiency in product design and packaging.

Session 4: Design for Durability and End-of-Life Management

  • Designing for longevity: Enhancing product durability and reparability to extend product lifespan and reduce the need for replacements.
  • Circular design principles: Implementing design strategies such as modular design, disassembly, and material recovery to facilitate product reuse, recycling, or composting.

Session 5: Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement

  • Cross-functional collaboration: Engaging multidisciplinary teams including design, engineering, procurement, and marketing to integrate environmental considerations into product development processes.
  • Supplier engagement: Collaborating with suppliers to source sustainable materials and optimise manufacturing processes for carbon reduction.
  • Stakeholder communication: Communicating EcoDesign initiatives and environmental performance to customers, investors, and other stakeholders to build trust and transparency.

Session 6: Best Practices and Case Studies

  • Success stories in EcoDesign: Case studies showcasing companies that have successfully implemented EcoDesign principles to reduce carbon emissions and enhance product sustainability.
  • Lessons learned and challenges: Identifying common barriers and pitfalls in implementing EcoDesign initiatives and strategies for overcoming them.
  • Continuous improvement: Establishing mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of EcoDesign strategies and incorporating feedback for continuous improvement.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Grasp EcoDesign principles by understanding their definition, objectives, and benefits, and learning about the regulatory landscape governing carbon emissions in product design.
  • Assess environmental impact effectively through life cycle assessment (LCA), identifying emission hotspots, and mastering scalable carbon footprint calculation methodologies.
  • Implement design strategies for carbon reduction by selecting low-carbon materials, enhancing energy efficiency, and adopting lightweight and resource-efficiency techniques.
  • Foster collaboration and stakeholder engagement by working with cross-functional teams, engaging suppliers, and effectively communicating EcoDesign initiatives to stakeholders.

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About carbmee

carbmee is a carbon management software company headquartered in Berlin with enterprise customers across the globe. The Environmental Intelligence System carbmee EIS™ is a holistic carbon footprint software for all emission & footprint calculations helping industrial manufacturing, automotive, and consumer goods companies realise their net-zero strategy. It automates carbon management at granular level data, providing companies with visibility into their Scope 3 and supply chain emissions. By collecting data from across the value chain, the platform enables carbon traceability and product carbon footprinting, while identifying emissions reduction opportunities.

carbmee EIS